Maxence Poumaere

OEM and Supply Chain Programme Director since April 1st, 2020

Maxence was previously Deputy General Manager and Commercial and Customer Support Director at MTRI for Safran Helicopters, the programme management company   responsible   for   the   turboshaft   engine MTR390, which power the Airbus Tiger helicopter.


Before that, Maxence was in charge as CEO of setting up a new joint-venture between Safran Helicopter Engines and HAL in Bangalore, India, to support the Indian armed forces, and prior he held other positions at Safran Helicopter Engines in Pau, as Purchasing Manager.


Maxence, 39, is graduated from Bordeaux University (Master in Avionics) and Kedge Business School (MAI). In 2017, he performed the ECATA Executive Program at ISAE SUPAERO and in 2022, he graduated from the IHEDN, Institut de Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale (58th session on Armaments and Defence Economy).

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